We got together, and lived it up. The night started off with some impromptu singing. Now I am musically retarded. But everyone else can pick up the gee-tar and jam. So there was jamming going on. Rad right? That in itself could of been an awesome birthday but no oh no... there was more to come. After I was serenaded or maybe while I was still being serenaded, my dear friend Jen.... pulled out the most delectable cheesecake you have ever seen. It wasn't a jello cheesecake... it wasn't even store bought. This was a real... amazingly delish, home made, Betty Crocker style cheesecake. My mouth about it the floor when I saw it. Nothing and I mean NOTHING was about to keep me from eating the whole thing. No need to remind me that with old age comes the slowing down of my metabolism...I don't care. Cheesecake... I NEED CHEESECAKE!
So after stuffing our faces with the best birthday cake EVER, we decided to get real wild. Heck you have to let go sometimes. We got matching tatts! Okay they may have been rub on ones that come in children's valentines (that's all we could find), but still, who wouldn't want a pink or purple skull and cross bones tatt? We rock! That's all there is too it. So lets recap... Jamming... Stuffing our faces.... Tatts... what am I missing here? Oh yeah.... DANCING!
Now I'm sure we could of found a fancy dance club to go to... but remember how I said I am musically retarded... even more so with dancing.. I can't do it! I look like a ubber dork when I try to dance. Plus it was a Thursday night, who's going to find and use their babysitter on a Thursday when Friday is a day away right? Luckily this to is easily remedied, Microsoft solved that problem. We turned on the Kinect and battled it out. The competition was fierce, the men put up a good fight... but ultimately, the ladys laid it out. We showed them how it was done. End of story. Not to much more to say, if we had to choose one winner... Jen took the cake (not my cheesecake though)!
So turning older is tragic... add some cheesecake and become a lord of dance.. then it is manageable!
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