Hello! I'm Jaclyn. I'm a 25 (ugh really..) year old, newly single mom of 3! Yes 3!! I started early ok. They say by the time you turn 25, you should have your life figured out... well I had it all figured out (or so I thought) years ago... but now not so much! So begins the sad sad (not so sad) story of my life....
I've always been the girl that would do things people told me I couldn't do! Sometimes for good... sometimes for umm not so good! I was the leader of the pack.. the head honcho... the captain. I thought I knew everything. Thought I was pretty much the full package (tell me what teenager doesn't!), and that if you loved someone enough that everything would work out... WRONG! Dead wrong. So at the ripe old age of 17 I got engaged. Engaged... yes engaged... my parents about died. Seriously I'm surprised, looking back, that they didn't lock me in my room and throw away the keys! I would of... it would of probably worked out better for me.
I met and fell madly (crazy) in love with a dude from a different world. A world not so much centered around the gospel but a world that revolved around partying.. partying ...and more partying. Which is fun when your young and stupid. Not so much when your 18, married, pregnant and in high school... working full time. So yes.. I chose the hard, very hard, very long road. Which didn't matter cause I was determined to make it work.
Well here we are 7 years later... and since I am writing this we all can see that my efforts didn't pay off. I have been put in my place. I have dealt with all kinds of heartbreak and pain. I've learned some hard lessons.. I've come to terms with my dreams being diminished... my heart being broken... and my life as I knew it being shattered. But from all the the pain, and devastation.. I've been able to find myself again. I've been able to be the person I want to be. Be the person my children need me to be. I've been able to finally be HAPPY!! woot woot!
So here I go... jumping into a dating game that I've never been apart of. That I honestly don't get... and that maybe will take a little getting used too! But with some awesomely amazing friends... and a open mind (yeah right)... and a little push.. I'm sure I'll figure it out! Okay.. lets be honest just for a min... single dances... probably never figure that one out! But I'm up for the challenge... bring it on you wild Mormons!
Jaclyn, this made me cry for you! I am so sorry you have been through so much! I hope you give your self SO much time for YOU!! (as much as possible with your girls) Have fun dating but please make your self happy... you deserve it! :)