Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Oh Valentine's.

Who invented this holiday again? Pretty sure it wasn't a man. NO NO... Men wouldn't have dreamed of such a thing. Men across the world loathe this holiday. Why just today on the radio I heard the announcer rattle of some statistic to which men consciously avoid being in a relationship until after Valentine's Day is over.Smart thinking guys. How's about you just grow a pair and stop being such sissies!

 I, myself, live in a world with very few expectations. (A result of having my expectations crushed over and over again) My lack of expectations greatly enhances the joy of recieving and plus, I generally go shopping and buy myself whatever I want and can justify it away! Which always makes me happy! 

This year~ I actually had an entire weekend of Valentinesness. Which I will be explaining later.... but I wanted to put a quick post in for discussion. Today I was asked what my love language is. I have one... I am certain. I'm sure I learned it once or twice, but I always forget.

 So... I went here http://edified.org/myspace/lovelanguage and took a quick test. Apparently my love languages are touch and words of affirmation. They tied. I can see how it's true. There is nothing better than a nice warm hug and someone telling me how incredible I know I am. I like it. What's yours?

1 comment:

  1. I love the new blog Jen! My love language is Quality Time. I've never taken that quiz before. It's pretty interesting. =)


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